The property is located in Smoljanac, Plitvička Jezera. Plitvička Jezera is in the central part of Croatia, 20 minutes away from Plitvice lakes National Park.
The property measures 78,745 m² with 684 m² in the building zone and the rest in the agricultural zone.
Total land: 78,745 m²
Electricity: No, but connection nearby
Water: No, but connection nearby
Access: Asphalt
Public transport: None
Primary school: Smoljanac (1 km), Rakovica (12 km)
Secondary school: Slunj (29 km)
Health center: Rakovica
Hospital: Karlovac (80 km)
Groceries: Smoljanac
Supermarket: Plitvice Mall (7 km)
Documentation: Title deed/vlasnički list
Zoning: The parcel contains both a building zone and an agricultural zone
Foreign buyers: EU citizens are allowed to buy this property.
Price including 3% property tax and 3.75% commission (incl. VAT): 320,250 euro
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Kind regards,
Chiel van der Voort
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